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Social Post ideas



Below are some suggested posts you could use on your socials. Add a photo of your own or use one from our digital assets.


We’re folding 60,000 origami houses across Victoria to display during Homelessness Week. It’s all to raise awareness of the urgent need for at least 60,000 additional, appropriate social housing homes in Victoria. It’s easy and fun to get involved – find out more here:

#HousesAtParliament #HW2024 #HousingEndsHomelessness #HomelessnessActionNow



Here’s a photo of our team at [insert name of agency], folding origami houses for the Houses At Parliament campaign. They aim to display 60,000 across Victoria in Homelessness Week, representing the 60,000 additional, appropriate social housing homes needed across Victoria. 

#HousesAtParliament #HW2024 #HousingEndsHomelessness #HomelessnessActionNow

[Image: shared photo of people folding]



[Post on either Wednesday 24 July or Monday 29 July]

Victorian Homelessness organisations are covering the steps of Parliament with 6,000 origami houses on Wednesday 31 July, as part of our Houses at Parliament campaign. And you can watch it all on our Youtube Livestream. Featuring speeches from Council to Homeless Persons CEO Deborah Di Natale and lived experience advocate Jason Russell, and a performance by the Vossanova Choir! It’s all to raise awareness about the urgent need for 60,000 additional, appropriate social housing homes in Victoria. See you online on the 31st!



[Post during Homelessness Week]

60,000 origami houses are on display in homelessness agencies across Victoria this Homelessness Week. They represent the 60,000 additional, appropriate social housing homes that are urgently needed across the state, just to meet the number of people currently on the social housing waiting list. Share pics of your origami houses this week to join our call for #HomelessnessActionNow!

#HousesAtParliament #HW2024 #HousingEndsHomelessness

[Include gallery of photos of displays]


Victorian Homelessness Network (VHN), is a partnership of the nine Regional Homelessness Networks in Victoria. The VHN provides a mechanism for strategically progressing issues of common concern across all Regional Homelessness Networks, with a focus on operational issues relating to management of a statewide homelessness service system. 

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